The Meridian 258 is a dedicated rack-mount Eight Channel Power Amplifier. This powerful, high performance, cool-running Class D amplifier is simple to integrate into a wide range of applications and delivers greater than 100W per channel into 4Ω or greater than 70W per channel into 8Ω. At only 1U high, the compact 258 is a category changing amplifier; bringing Meridian high resolution sound quality to every zone it powers.
DSW.2 主動式超重低音揚聲器
Sooloos 數位流音訊處理器 MS600
參考級 數位類比轉換器 ULTRA DAC
特別版 DSP5200SE HC 主動式中置揚聲器
4K HDMI 音訊處理器 UHD722
兩聲道立體聲功率擴大機 G57